In the middle of the night, a few nights back, I couldn’t seem to sleep so I decided to put the time to good use and do some thinking. 3am: sometimes I sleep sometimes I think.
I though about several things and then my mental meanderings led me to a new thought. Which busybeezchickadeez
has captured so beautifully in the locket above…You can order this delightful treasure from the Etsy store. Here is the image on Pinterest
I pulled out my 2014 goals from behind my iPad which is on a prop-up frame (I watch TV through various channel Apps) and considered where I was, where I want to be and how this site might be a positive in you lives. Thoughts rolled around my mind and and eventually came a spotlight where the words Wednesday Women appeared.
Hmmm I thought. I thought quite a bit. About all of you, about Blog posts and articles I have read recently. Conversations I have had with women around the world. The idea is taking shape.
I thought I would let you know you can follow
*‘A String of Pearls’ on Facebook. A simple LIKE will connect you.
*Find me on Twitter.
*Also on Instagram
*Speaking of photos I launched #SaturdaySnapture on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook/ One Photo One day: Snap a photo/Capture a moment = Saturday Snapture
The theme for 1st March is SHOES.
*Check out my Boards on PINTEREST