Yes, I am now a convert of the Looking forward by looking back process to plan for a new year. These are not resolutions though I did make 3 of those this year. To me resolutions are made to break not-so-good habits. They are the bucket of cold water in your face to shock you into better habits….Goals come fresh to the list.

Here then is the result of the 2013/2014 review and planning session.

It is good to make a list of what you achieved last year. Then you can see more clearly what you need to focus upon this year, what to start.  Create your own list, remember to review all aspects of your life, not just the business quadrant.

Here is some of my 2013 list:

Pictures  Up

Terrace fencing up

Started Garden

Moved desk to better place

Evolved from being a consultant to become a SOCIAL MEDIA MENTOR

Added aqua to colour scheme

Became gluten free

Lost weight


Exercises from Naturopath

Stabilized blood sugar

Conquered some fears (spiders)

Bought a hat

Started a business

Purchased Personal domain

Signed up with Family Share as a writer

Attended ProBlogger #PBEvent digitally and ‘foyering’  *my new word for hanging out in the Foyer to catch up with attendees. I attended virtually. (4 clients actually attended)

And many many more….

Review my 2012 achievements.

This year, after a great deal of thought I created this theme for my year. I love the image. I made these goals and more….

view the original image on Pinterest

To cultivate my Secret Garden, (like Green Card Movie).

To feel personal empowerment, through a balance of physical activity and healthy balanced eating all year round. 

To seek out and develop new friendships whilst enriching the ones I have.

To continue my strategy of active learning.

To regularly read ‘real’ books for learning and for pleasure.

and many many more….

Yes, it is the end of January….I’ve been melting in the heat, coping with air cons that broke down and fixing a long list of things that inexplicably have broken, or broken down. All while staying calm…that’s one of the resolutions.

Some very talent and generous ladies have come into the sphere of my life, thus there will be many interesting interviews this year.

You can search the archives or months in the lower side bar. Up top is the place to subscribe.

I ma creating a new site for my voice…you are most welcome to visit me there.

Remember, I am thinking of you…even as I melt. Stay warm all your northern hemisphereites.